Just a small gallery of natural hairstyles for black women that are creative and stylish. These natural hairstyles can be for professional black women or for an evening out on the town. From two strand twist creations to braids, faux hawks, and afro puffs, the natural hair styles of 2010 are here to stay. You can add flare to any natural hair look with bantu knots, flat twists, comb twists, and more. There is so much versatility with natural black hair.
this site is just what i’ve been looking for as a future cosmetologist who deals with ethnic hair. send me links or anything deals with ethnic hair. i lovvve it!!
Hi! I recently made the decision to go natural. Unfortunately, I am struggling with reprogramming my hair-care habits. In its natural state, my hair is surprisingly dry. Is there anything you can suggest (other than hot oil treatments and lots of water, which I already do)? Thanks!
Lovely hairstyle:)
My hair was really dry also. I use a few things that have really made a difference. I use Pantene moisterizer, olive oil & Jane Carter cream curl.
I hope this help as each person hair is different.