
how long is beyonce’s real hair

So many fans want to know how long is beyonce’s real hair and is it natural or relaxed under the wigs and extensions she wears. Well the estimated length is around 7-9 inches and she is relaxed. Her sister Solange went natural and sparked some serious media because not many women of color with that kind of celebrity power was doing such a thing.

About the author

thirsty roots®

Our goal is to share the beauty of Afro-textured hair and to have a place where we can come together to get examples, advice, and information of black hair growth and hairstyles. Whether you have permed, pressed, or natural hair it's still black hair and it's beautiful.


  • I have very short natural black hair. I have been diagnosed with tract alopecia. My hair has grown back however, it won’t grow any more. Since I’m good with food and really trying to eat well, I can’t think of anything else it might be except maybe sress and I do try not to stress out. I’m good with exercise and do so on a regular basis and have for the last 25 years. I’m good with water. When I wake up in the mornings my hair is dry, and hard even though I use a satin bonnet. During the day I have to reapply moisture to moisten because it dries. I might add here that I do color my hair with Advanced Beautiful collection–it doesn’t have peroxide or amonia and I do color about every three weeks. At the moment I’m using WEN and Uli moisture seal sometimes I add a little extra jojoba oil. What else can you recommend I do. Thanks.

  • Blenda,

    I have 4d,e,f,g hair (lol). I have a hard time keeping mine soft and manageable sometimes also. Here’s what i did. I began to go with ALL NATURAL products and HERBS. I did research of herbs that soften and grow hair, and I started mixing those herbs with COCONUT OIL which softens hair itself. EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL is also good for keeping hair LIGHTLY oiled. You might be stripping your hair with the coloring. I know it might not seem like it, but that is still chemical, and maybe too often.
    If you choose, start massaging your hair and scalp with the COCONUT OIL and add HERBS as HOT OIL treatments. COCONUT OIL is oderless, so you can use it in your hair as a regular daily oil.
    Check out these YOUTUBE VIDEOS from ROOTS4U45. She got me started. And the homemade products REALLY work.

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