Celebrity Hair Galleries

macy gray hair

Macy Gray hair has been the center of attention for many years and people absolutely love it. She is a great artist that expresses herself and displays the beauty in the world through her eyes and lyrics. Apple had a real love for Macy’s hairstyles and decided to make her the face of the iPhone campaign they ran with AT&T. The hairstyling is simple it’s just an afro that occasionally has some twist or is blowed out. Every once in a while you may see her throw in some blonde or auburn streaks of dye. Macy has even went as far as to use Grey dye for her highlights which is definitely different.

About the author

thirsty roots®

Our goal is to share the beauty of Afro-textured hair and to have a place where we can come together to get examples, advice, and information of black hair growth and hairstyles. Whether you have permed, pressed, or natural hair it's still black hair and it's beautiful.

1 Comment

  • I am completely grey and I wear my hair natural. I am looking for hair that is GREY and can be braided. At least it must be 90% GREY, Please hwlp me find some.

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