Natural Hairstyles

natural hair support group

If you are thinking about transitioning from relaxed hair you will probably need a natural hair support group to help with some knowledge and ugly comments you may receive. Trust me I have heard the stories of how husbands and best friends of women crush their emotions with uneducated words.

There is nothing worse than wanting to wear your natural “Thirsty Roots” and getting criticized for it by family, friends and the corporate world. If you need help then you may want to join our community where you can speak with thousands of natural hair styled women that will help you. It doesn’t matter if you have a TWA or a full head of long hair they can support.

About the author

thirsty roots®

Our goal is to share the beauty of Afro-textured hair and to have a place where we can come together to get examples, advice, and information of black hair growth and hairstyles. Whether you have permed, pressed, or natural hair it's still black hair and it's beautiful.


  • Hello I am a 17 year old young women who has recently made the decision to go natural all my life my family has damaged my hair putting a relaxer in it and doing nothing else to it . I was suffering from stagnant hair growth and even at times my hair would fall out in middle school . It was so embarrassing it crushed my self Esteem and I felt so ugly . My family knows I am trying to go natural and do my best to take care of my hair since I don’t know how to since all my life all I knew was a perm . They continue to crush my spirit by telling me my hair is ugly even my mother says I look ugly with the hair I have they laugh at me and I don’t know how to deal with it . Please help it really hurts my feelings

  • I feel your pain just did the big chop feel so good, and my husband told me I was beautiful but my family is make fun of me and everyone have an opinion. I realize this is the best time to work on self esteem as well as knowing what “I” want and sticking to my goals. Do what makes you happy.

  • Stay encouraged!! It’s unfortunate that people act out of such ignorance. Why is it that a creamy white substance that changes the way our hair looks, causes burns and breakage is more acceptable to unlearned people than the hair that was created by God. Learn to love your hair and be confident with you choice(they act as though they are but they probably are insecure with their choice otherwise they would allow you to have your own). Know that people will have an opinion but their opinion is not your truth. God made you wonderfully and its great that you are learning to appreciate the you he created at such a young age. Enjoy the journey and eventually they will see your beauty and confidence. You will get better with styling and your hair will be even more beautiful. Again, stay encouraged!!

  • Stay encouraged!! It’s unfortunate that people act out of such ignorance. Why is it that a creamy white substance that changes the way our hair looks, causes burns and breakage is more acceptable to unlearned people than the hair that was created by God. Learn to love your hair and be confident with you choice(they act as though they are but they probably are insecure with their choice otherwise they would allow you to make your own). Know that people will have an opinion but their opinion is not your truth. God made you wonderfully and its great that you are learning to appreciate the you he created at such a young age. Enjoy the journey and eventually they will see your beauty and confidence. You will get better with styling and your hair will be even more beautiful. Again, stay encouraged!!

  • Hello! I am 18 years old, and am new to the natural hair trend, I once tried to wear my afro as it was using the various tips on youtube and at school I got a positive reception! Unfortunately, what was once positive encouragement from my mom turned into negative criticism when I preferred to do my hair myself for six months straight and I thought it turned out awesome everytime, however she refused to take me out in public stating that ‘I wasn’t doing it right’ and it really hurt my self-esteem. I decided to compromise with wearing this neat little crochet Fro-hawk that I absolutely adore, but I feel like I am not actually doing the natural hair movement correctly since technically I’m wearing someone else’s hair. I am very confused and have seen conflicting views online, can someone tell me which way is the correct path please?

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