
Cute Hair Styles for African American Women

Cute hair styles for African American women are sought out by many women. People may not realize how many there actually are out there. All you have to do is go to a magazine stand and flip through to see how many celebrities have hairstyles that you may like and find to be very attractive on African American women. There are many lengths, shapes, textures and styles which may interest you. It is useful to find one and then try it on yourself.

People often associate the word “cute” with short, young or small. This is not always the case, it could also mean pretty or flirty. It is the way you in vision what you find to be attractive on someone. Try to categorize yourself into length, texture and body so that you know what your hair has to offer for you as it is naturally. You can always add length by getting extensions, but what you have already may give you more options than you initially believed.

What do you find cute? Ask yourself that question. Do you like curls, or long flowing hair? Define what you find to be feminine or what is similar to your personality. When you go to the salon ask the stylist to offer techniques and options for you. Ask your friends which cuts and styles may flatter your face. Becoming familiar with your face shape is a very useful tool because you can cut out the styles that are not going to flatter you. This will make the final decision easier for yourself. If you are more of a free-spirited woman and want to try new things on occasion then you have many more options to choose from.

Personal preference is what comes into play with this topic because you are the one who will be expressing yourself through your hairstyle. You may be open to color and that opens many doors in styling. There are some very cute colors that compliment skin tones and the way your hair is cut. You may not need to add length or subtract, but just style your hair in a way you havent tried before. Braiding, curling, ironing, coloring, blow drying and product can all change the way your hair can look and becoming familiar with these techniques can give you many new options for yourself.

It is fun to have a friend help you with your hair and ask what they sometimes do to make their hair look different on a day to day basis. Find a picture of what you find beautiful and try to copy it, and customize it to your own sense of fashion.

About the author

thirsty roots®

Our goal is to share the beauty of Afro-textured hair and to have a place where we can come together to get examples, advice, and information of black hair growth and hairstyles. Whether you have permed, pressed, or natural hair it's still black hair and it's beautiful.

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