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short haircuts for black women

Thirsty Roots Member Shondra is rockin these examples of  short haircuts for black women. Short haircuts were a trend for 2010 and it might carry into 2011 for not just black women, but all women. A short style really adds an edge to your style and Shondra is proving it in these pictures.

She says: “I’m an Accountant but I have been doing hair since the 6th grade. I like to do my own work.”

You look fabulous Shondra! You are styling and profiling with your “thirsty roots” whipped!

Click Here for her Thirsty Roots Community Profile.

About the author

thirsty roots®

Our goal is to share the beauty of Afro-textured hair and to have a place where we can come together to get examples, advice, and information of black hair growth and hairstyles. Whether you have permed, pressed, or natural hair it's still black hair and it's beautiful.


  • Well i been getting sew-in and my hair is constantly coming out i want to cut it off in a short hairstyle unless i can find a hair product to make my hair grow if u have any tips please email me…ANd your hair looks nice

  • Your hair is always sharp. My real hair was actually the length of your shortest style. Could you give me some tips on short weaves so I can allow my hair to grow. Thanks!

  • Hey Shonda How are you doing . This is shy your number one fan I know you do hair are you in the atlanta area and if so what are your off days when you do hair. or do you do other people hair or just your.if so I wondering if you can do mines. And how much you charge for 27pices short if so hit me up 770-374-8068 or

  • Hi I’m from stl and i will be visiting atl real soon, girl I’m feelin those styles. I got to pay u a visit

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