InstaFeature @anicholenelson has truly started from the bottom with a super short haircut revealing her natural thirsty roots.
She has since grown her hair out to a TWA rocking the natural curl pattern and sometimes blowing it out to wear a straightened afro or braids.
Another example of how versatile African American hair is in it’s natural state. Alexis is a MAC Makeup Artist in Ohio and she also has a Youtube Channel you can check out. (Anichole Beauty)

Low Cut Natural Hair w/Waves
Sometimes I want to cut my hair again & do this. It was so easy & I felt pretty but I miss wearing ponytails & buns… #naturalhair #blonde #imnotamberrose #imalexisnelson #shortstyle

TWA Blow Dried for Braids
About to get my lioness tamed by @mygifts14 ! My #TWA is close to not being a twa anymore lol. I told you guys the #shrinkage is real! I kinda blow dried my hair. Needed to get the braids back. #PhotoCred @sterling_fisher #naturalhairdaily #trialsntresses before the #protectivestyle #afro #whiteblackqueen lol

Short Curly Natural Afro
I’m so happy. & this picture is like a month ago. But I need my hair straightened & trimmed. Swear I’m coming to you lol @moneymakinsunni

Natural Curl Pattern WashnGo
Honey, I never “went” natural… I returned natural love my natural curl pattern #NoThisIsNotMyQuote #IJustLoveIt #WashNGo #NaturalGirls #TrialsNTresses #NaturalHairDaily #HealthyHair

Braids and MAC Makeup
That’s actually a pigment from MAC called “Pink Pearl”.

Natural Hairstyle | Straightened and Styled
Shoutout to @coldina_ for taking care of my hair for me. I love it.