Came across a question today: is melanie fiona’s hair real? Well, the singer Melanie Fiona has a beautiful voice and yes she wears her real natural hair. She has mixed hair which is along the line of type 2a/2b texture hair. I believe her parents are Black and Indian. Its long and naturally wavy slightly curly, its beautiful and it seems easy to maintain according to this interview she had with Essence Magazine:
ESSENCE.COM: We love your hair, Melanie. What’s your morning regimen?
MELANIE FIONA: I’m definitely a hair girl, so it’s kind of complicated! I hop in the shower, shampoo and condition, and then detangle my hair with a brush. When I come out, I towel-dry my hair to soak up the wetness, put in some leave-in conditioner and pile it in a ball on top of my head…I look like Pebbles! Then, I get dressed and put on my makeup–and right before I leave the house, I take it down and let it air-dry. I love the way my hair looks at the end of the day, when it has that natural, kind of frizzy, settled wave.ESSENCE.COM: What are your favorite hair products?
FIONA: Aveda is the best, hands down. They were the first products I’d ever used that made my curls soft instead of crunchy. Plus, they have different formulations for different hair textures. Aveda Brilliant Damage Control ($15) is my favorite–I use it whether I wear my hair curly or straight, and it protects my hair from heat and adds extra nourishment. When I need my curls to dry really quickly, I use Hair Rules Wavy Mousse ($18), a super-lightweight foam.ESSENCE.COM: It sounds like you’re really good with hair! Do you go to salons, or do it yourself?
FIONA: You know what? When I was nine, my mom sat me down and taught me how to do my own roller sets and blowouts. I’m really comfortable doing my own hair. I was always the girl that would have, like, the badass flatiron before everyone else!ESSENCE.COM: That’s hilarious! So, do you ever have control issues with hairstylists on shoots?
FIONA: Through trial and error, I have found some people that I really trust. That said, I’m very particular about my look! Most stylists want to make it look too perfect, too glam…you know, really defined, spiral curls. They tell me to come “natural” to shoots, but when I get there, they can’t wait to go in with a curling iron! But I like a natural, beachy wave, like I just rolled out of bed. Freefalling hair is so much sexier to me.
ESSENCE.COM: Do you ever wear your hair straight?
FIONA: Absolutely! If you see it straight, I’ve usually blow dried it myself and then created some bend with a big barrel curlingiron. Also, before I straighten my hair, I like to apply Morrocanoil Treatment ($12), a moisturizing leave-in conditioner that helps smooth out frizz and makes my blowout so shiny. I use it on my skin, too!
ESSENCE.COM: Do you have an ultimate hair icon?
FIONA: Without a doubt, it’s Chaka Khan. I love all her different hair moments–afro, big and curly, waves, straight. She’s so glam.Source: