Natural Hair News

natural relaxers for black hair

Natural relaxers for black hair are options for people who have tightly curled or very kinky hair and want to straighten it. Hair relaxers, also known as hair straighteners, help by lessening the intensity of curls or straitening them completely. Many people would be surprised to learn that they could make their own from common household ingredients. This article will explain what you should know when making your own hair relaxers.

Hair relaxers should be created with a specific hair type in mind. Caucasian hair is generally easier to relax then African American hair. Relaxers that are made for Caucasian hair may not work for African hair, and those made for African hair, may be unforgiving to Caucasian hair. When making your own relaxer, look for recipes that are designed exclusively for your hair.

When creating relaxers for African American hair, you should look for recipes that include cocoa butter, coconut milk and activator gel. You can find all of these products at your local hair supply store.
When creating hair relaxers for African hair, you should include a few key ingredients. All of these ingredients will help your hair stay healthy while taming extreme curls. We will look at some of these ingredients, and learn how each one can help you make your hair relaxer.

Cocoa butter can be used to supplement your hairs natural oils. It will combine with your hairs natural oils cover each hair with a protective coating. This is what helps to loosen the curls and minimize tangling.
Activator gel mixes well with cocoa butter to create a mild and effective homemade hair relaxer. It helps to relax curls, which in turn makes hair more manageable when styling. This mixture will cause hair to be much suppler and tangle free.

Coconut milk is a great natural solution for straightening hair. Blend the flesh of a fresh coconut, and squeeze a lime into a cup of coconut juice. Put the mixture into a refrigerator and chill until creamy foam develops on the top. You can then massage this cream into your hair. When you shampoo your hair, it will be easier to comb and style.

Hair relaxers can be used with hair straighteners to maximize the straightening effect. However, make sure not to overuse hair-straitening irons. They can cause hair breakage, which will result in split ends.
When creating a homemade relaxer, keep in mind the sensitivity of your hair. Be aware of how much of each ingredient is needed for the severity of your curls. You do not want to over-do it; this can cause damage to your hair. If you consider all of the things in this article, you will be able to create your own hair relaxer, and save yourself money.

About the author

thirsty roots®

Our goal is to share the beauty of Afro-textured hair and to have a place where we can come together to get examples, advice, and information of black hair growth and hairstyles. Whether you have permed, pressed, or natural hair it's still black hair and it's beautiful.


  • I never knew such thing would you please give me the recipe and instructions so i can also try it at home?? once again thanks for the tips

  • I dont think that it is really a necessity. More like an option. Natural concoctions for relaxers do not really work that well compared to the real thing

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