Natural Hair Care

the big chop natural hair

The big chop natural hair journey is something that is being recorded by thousands of women weekly and it doesn’t seem like it’s going to let up. I asked myself why and realized it has to be because of the support system they have online. I did my BC over 11 years in 1999 and there was nothing like Facebook or Youtube to help with the criticism or awkward looks. Props to all the ladies who are taking this bold and brave step.

About the author

thirsty roots®

Our goal is to share the beauty of Afro-textured hair and to have a place where we can come together to get examples, advice, and information of black hair growth and hairstyles. Whether you have permed, pressed, or natural hair it's still black hair and it's beautiful.


  • I just did my BC 2 days ago- at first i was a lil scared , but OH my , my husband friends and all my co workers love it — the first thing they notice is my eyes and tell me how pretty i look- I love it more and more . I feel more confident about myself . I LOVE IT!!!:)

  • Thanks for sharing…I just did my BC a little over 3 weeks ago (August 26, 2011) and I was soooo nervous about the look…my confidence went down..but as I play with it and learn the products to put in it..I really do love it. I cant believe that I have been processing “Good Hair”

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