Got a chance to interview another member, MissTres, about her natural hair regimen, hairstyles, and journey. MissTres share her hair care products and tools that she love to use, also she expresses her love for her hair and the experience of self-discovery throughout this journey.
TR: How long have you been natural and why do you choose to be natural?
I’ve been natural since March of 2008. I chose to go natural because, right after my son was born, my hair began thinning! My doctor told me that breastfeeding sometimes contributed to this. Well, I was committed to nursing, but I knew I needed to do SOMETHING to thicken things up quickly, and so my farewell to “the tox in the box” (perm, of course) resulted and the rest is history. I REMAIN natural to help my young daughter appreciate her amazing, curly hair!
TR: How did you cope with the responses from your family and friends?
(Shaking my head) My husband was not feeling it! I had been rocking the short, pixie, “I-wanna-be-Ms. Halle Berry haircut for just over a year and, of all the styles I’d ever worn since we’d been together, he always used to say “This style is so YOU!” Needless to say, the day I came back from “the chop shop” with (less than) a TWA – he was @ a loss for (kind) words. Once my hair had grown out though he started digging it and NOW he says, “No – This look is really YOU!” …Begs me not to change anything (lol)!
TR: What is your current hair care regimen?
Once a week: I do a hot oil treatment or deep conditioning treatment (I alternate each week) then co-wash my hair, moisturize, air dry a little bit and then set/style.
Each evening, throughout the week: Between washes, I (spray w/water to) moisten (without saturating) my hair, lightly moisturize and reset the style for the next morning.
TR: How do you keep it moisturized?
After co-washing, I smooth my hair with something thick and sticky…either Ultra Sheen Conditioning Hair Dress (the Extra Dry Hair formula), Mane ‘N Tail Herbal Gro, Cantu Shea Butter Hair Dressing Pomade, or Jamaican Mango and Lime Shea Butter Conditioning Shine.
TR: What products and techniques do you use to style your hair?
I use Jamaican Mango and Lime Creme Wax or Let’s Jam Style Control Hair Sculpting Liquid Wax for my twist-outs.
I just use moisturizers and water (no hold products) for my braid-outs.
I use Fantasia IC Hair Polisher Styling Gel with Sparkle Lites (clear) or Ecoco Eco Styler Styling Firm Hold Gel (pink) for my ponytails because I like the slick, sleek & wavy look!
I use Smooth ‘n Shine Polishing Curl Activator Gel, For Extra Dry Hair with Aloe Vera mixed with some Wave Nouveau Moisturizer Finishing Lotion whenever I want to do a wash and go, wet or scrunched look.
TR: What are your must have products?
I love love love all things Jamaican Mango and Lime – the whole line!
I never run out of Cantu’s stuff…I have everything made by Cantu (Swear by the Leave In Repair Cream).
I always have some of those super-inexpensive VO5 Herbal Escapes conditioners, but my favorite is the Clarifying one – Kiwi Lime Squeeze.
I can’t do without Lustrasilk Herbal Cholesterol Deep Conditioning Cream Enriched with Carrot Oil under my sink at all times.
…And I always come back to my Ultra Sheen Conditioning Hair Dress (used that even when I was relaxed).
TR: What are your favorite accessories?
I keep the Hair Hints Small, Black, Clear or Dark Brown Jaw Clips and Ouchless Head Wraps (the thin ones) – both by Goody for my big fountain-like up-styles. I can use just one of the little discrete clamps to make my hair spill out over top or use one of the stretchy bands which also blend in well with my hair to give me the loose, carefree effect.
TR: What do you like the most about wearing your natural thirsty roots?
I would have to say the versatility, the freedom and the confidence. I can sport so many different styles, curly, wavy or straight (though I almost NEVER use heat).
Even though I buy way more products than when I was relaxed, I don’t feel DEPENDENT on any one item to keep me from looking CRAZY. I just collect new products to experiment and most times, this yields a SELF-DISCOVERY…a new way to wear my hair!
I appreciate my hair in its natural state, recognizing it is the way GOD made me…and now, when someone pays me a compliment on my hair – I accept it more fully because it’s all mine…and Naturally, at that!
TR: Anything else you may want to add?
I really enjoy Thirsty Roots. I’ve totally stopped buying hair magazines in the checkout lines of the grocery stores, now-wondering just how I ever settled for the lack of interactivity of those things! I am encouraged by the community, the positivity and creativity the site provides. The feedback has definitely helped me to STAY NATURAL when I felt like wavering. This is important to me now because I want my 6-yr. old daughter to love and appreciate her own BEAUTIFUL hair, just like it is.
Check out MissTres’s websites:
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To see more of MissTres’s hairstyle pictures, hair talk with her, and meet other members, join the Thirsty Roots Community. is what I have been searching for on black hair care that provides information and the reason for certain problems I have been having with my hair. The recommended tips on moisturizing the hair properly provided me with positive results on my coarse hair eliminating the dryness and dull looking to a healthy shine I truly enjoy. I have since recommended this site to several of my friends and like myself enjoy it.