Flat twists is one of the easiest hairstyles to create, so easy that even people who are styling their own hair for the first time should have no trouble at all. When making silky flat twists, the only difference will be that you need to add in some synthetic silky hair to your flat twist. You can purchase this hair from a salon that specialize in African American hair styles and accessories.
Buying two or three packets of hair should be plenty to complete your hairstyle. These strands are very long and will create flat twists that extend down your entire back if you use them as they are in the package. Cutting them in half will give you twists that stop right below your shoulders. If you want your hair to be the actual length that it truly is, add a few inches onto the strands that you cut.
You will need to braid these strands into your hair, hence the extra few inches added to them. Section your hair off into diagonal, zig zag, straight, or whatever design of rows you wish to create the flat twists in. Only two strands of hair are used for a flat twist, but you will begin with three, in order to braid in the synthetic silky hair.
Take three strands of your hair and divide the synthetic into two strands. Add each of the two strands to two of your own and braid down an inch. From here, you can then divide the hair into the two separate strands and overlap one section over the other. Add a bit of hair to the next section that is to overlap the other and continue this process down the row.
This will work on dry or wet, natural or relaxed hair. It will be easier to catch the fly-aways that form if you use some gel or cream as you are creating the flat twists. These twists need to be made very close to the scalp and not too loose. They will fall out easier if they are made too loose. The ends can be tied off with a simple elastic band, then you can move onto the next row of hair.
Once you’ve completed all the rows, you will have gorgeous silky flat twists. These definitely aren’t as hard on your hair as braiding is and they go great with other hairstyles as well. You can easily combine some twists with rod-sets, Bantu Knots, or any other type of curl.
Beautiful, just simply beautiful
Great styles, now i have some ideas for my next date night