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Thirsty Roots Black Barbie Dolls Feature

Black Barbie Dolls with natural hair, kinky, curly and short styles is a post request that we have been getting for weeks.

Being a leader in black hairstyles and information we decided to put this collage together and bring some light to what can be sold in stores for our young African American girls.

Not sure why beautiful options like these dolls are not in big box retail stores.

Our daughter who is 5 years old saw this feature being put together and immediately asked for two of them. The Whitney Houston black barbie is so good. She looks just like the legendary RnB singer.


There are so many talented designers and artist on Pinterest and Etsy that are creating them. There is always some controversy when talks about these kind of dolls come up. Everything from a name to the heads itself comes up in that conversation too. The discussion is one that needs to be had on a major scale especially since the African American community has so much buying power.

The influence alone of being able to walk in a Walmart or Target to purchase black barbies like these would create a positive experience for little girls of color nationwide. We have toyed with the idea of creating a black Thirsty Roots doll and will continue to listen to our readers and followers. If the demand is high enough we will comply.

About the author

thirsty roots®

Our goal is to share the beauty of Afro-textured hair and to have a place where we can come together to get examples, advice, and information of black hair growth and hairstyles. Whether you have permed, pressed, or natural hair it's still black hair and it's beautiful.


  • OMG, these are some beautiful dolls. I have never been into collecting Barbie dolls period because they have never held my interest. However, why do you need to wait until these stores decide to display or even for that much sell them…start your own. I would buy and would like to know if and when they will be available.

  • I would love to purchase theses dolls. I search everywhere during the holidays I couldn’t fine not one black American doll with natural hair. how can I purchase theses dolls????

  • I think your collection is awesome and i wish i knew where i can get them I have grand & great grand daughter but i would probably get them for myself lol


  • I started collecting Black Barbies when my daughter was born in 1993, but had to stop when I moved down south in ’05 because I couldn’t find any. Please tell me that I will be able to purchase these dolls. They are beautiful!

  • These dolls need to be in production now! When I saw these dolls I didn’t give it a second thought. I told my husband I want one of each. They are all so beautiful and unique in their own way. What woman of color wouldn’t want one of these dolls? These dolls would make young girls of color start to feel good about themselves. They need to see positive images of themselves. I would most definitely buy one of each for myself but also for my nieces and god-daughters! Our Black is Beautiful!

  • They are gorgeous… every last one if them.. I would definitely buy them all just for collectable… Awesome just awesome… #ourblackisbeautiful

  • OMG these are AMAZING!!! I’d buy them and I’m not even African American. They’re exquisite!!!

  • I agree with the comments above start selling now your own line of dolls. You have a Beautiful Amazing gift here that is long over due. I would love to buy the whole collection. Don’t wait your time is now also patent your styles if you can.

  • I sent your post into Mattel. The more people who do it, the better! My daughter loved Barbies and these are beautiful. Definitely get these out to companies, these would be big sellers.

  • I absolutely love these dolls! I’ve seen a few African American dolls, but none like these! I would buy as well if you sold them!

  • I LOVE these dolls. Saw them on Facebook. I would like to buy a few for myself (yes, a grown women) and then my god-babies. I remember playing with Barbie dolls growing up but none of them looked like me. I even have a hard time finding regular dolls for my god daughters during the holidays that they can really call “Their babies”.

  • I agree we need these made! I would buy them in a heartbeat for my little cousins and future grandchildren!!

  • I have to say. I really Love these dolls. Finally they have black dolls for my little girl or sisters to play with. I hope these do make self’s at stores. In the mean time how do you order? I would like to buy 3.

  • I would love to collect and display these beautiful dolls in my home for all to see. They are awesome… Should they ever go on sell, I am truly interested no matter what the cost.

  • This is a must have. I have two daughters they will go crazy over these dolls. My oldest which is eleven wake up before school all time just to play with her dolls. My little one not to be misleading but rather play with those that favor her as she’s becoming more concious of her self idenity. These dolls have power to help develop self idenity in young women lifes as children.

  • I have approximately 20 neices. How high has the demand been and how much further does it need to go, in order for these to become available?

  • I couldn’t agree with Michelle more! I came here looking and hoping to purchase one or two for my granddaughter. They are BEAUTIFUL!!! PLEASE keep me posted on a date that these dolls wills be available for purchase.

  • Hello I love your product. I would love to purchase a few dolls for my 5 yr old daughter. She has autism and is learning to roll play. I showed her several doll faces and asked her which one was better. She kept picking the white dolls. I don’t understand the psychology but I want to teach her that her color is beautiful. Please start making your product available. You can promote it on ebay or just through your website. Keep me informed.
    Thank you

  • I am a collector I collect nothing but black barbies and I would love to add these to my collection. Please decide to place in a store or make them available to purchase online.

  • I think it’s great that your developing dolls that reflect the greatness of our people.That’s something i will buy for my little girl,because it reflect her as a person,her beauty as a African American.

  • I would deff love my nieces and daughter to have some of these beautiful dolls. When will they be available to the public for purchase?

  • Of course the demand is high, otherwise you wouldn’t have written this article. People have been waiting for those for decades!

  • I think with all the comments it time to start to make these doll please if you need a investor ask someone black like Oprah.Be core someone White copy your ordeal have it patent right away.So I will be waiting.for my dolls God Bless!

  • How can we get these on Do you know who the designers are?

    We’ll be launching on Monday and would love to have these beautiful dolls for sale on our site.

    Vernon Davis

  • You re right, they are extremely hard to find in any normal toy store. Impossible really. It’s a shame. Did you notice that the doll in the red dress looks EXACTLY like Whitney Houston? It’s gorgeous, they had to have done that on purpose. It’s a spitting image!

  • I absolutely love the dolls. Please please let’s create the dolls for our young daughters. I would definitely but them.

  • I would order ALL OF THEM. I’m already hooked on the Byron Lars dolls, these would go right along with it.

  • I an educator and would love these in my classroom for my students of color. They are beautiful and would be a great multicultural edition to my classroom.

  • I would def. buy these for my little girl- just tell me where to buy them! Beautiful dolls!

  • I would buy them all for my grand baby! and I have too many friends who have been waiting for so long to find something like this! I love that their hair is kinky and natural and that they don’t look like cookie cutter barbies that got painted a darker color! Please keep me informed! I NEED to buy all of these for my grand baby! and…well… maybe a couple for myself too!

  • I would purchase this as gifts for all of the little girls I know. It might be an annual purchase, depending on the price and availability. Plus, I saw two or three that I want for myself.

  • Don’t wait for the owners of Barbie to introduce this line of dolls and make millions off our beauty! Get these beauties in production (you’ll need permission for the Whitney doll) right away! I know someone who can help you find investors.

  • Wow, what’s taking so long, I need several dolls right now as we speak…
    Please let’s make this happen

  • Mattel has striven for years to maintain a stranglehold upon doll design aesthetics and fought off other doll companies & start-ups, to prevent competition in an open market.

    With 3D printing upon demand, ANY doll sculpt face & body–including YOUR OWN FACE scanned from photos–is not just possible, but BEING DONE!
    Then, printed in vinyl/ABS plastic!

    Small scale internet enthusiastes on Etsy and other hobby sites do limited runs/releases that are quite expensive, but there is NO reason why a much bigger market could take off underground and COMPLETELY AVOID brick & mortar retailiers and take the consumer market of ‘people of colour’ entirely to the internet and deny exclusionist, complicit retailers a share of that market!

    Stop waiting for ‘white’-identity Americna mainstream to “..provide for your needs..”–they still don’t give a ph** and DON’T want our faces influencing the aesthetics of their little girls & boys in major retail stores!!

    Research these start-ups and lend them your support & word-of-mouth!!

  • While black businesses are trying to maintain this would be a great way to utilize a bit of unity. Selling thees dolls in Black businesses as opposed to big boxes like Walmart may be helpful to these smaller Black owned businesses. We really have to think collectively especially in this day and age. Walmart is not looking out for us. We have to work to raise the economic strength in our communities.

  • This post was on my feed on FB and I am very interested in purchasing some of these dolls. Could someone please inform me on how to get them?

  • Please market these dolls. I have three granddaughters and I will only purchase black dolls for them. I think it is so important for black girls to know that their hair and skin is beautiful. Where can I purchase these now?

  • Sell them on your own on a website. Walmart and Target will come to YOU.

    I would also like to recommend selling dolls without makeup that look more adolescent.

  • OMG have you started selling the dolls yet? Christmas is coming, and I know A LOT OF LADIES/GIRLS who would LOVE these as presents…just saying!!!

  • We definitely support the purchase of thes beautiful dolls. Our Daughters would value they beauty of them and cherish their unique style. As a Mom I would purchase just to have on my shelf to share with others.

  • I’m looking to adopt a little girl and I also have a niece. I would love to buy then these dolls. Please send me the information on where I can purchase some. I’m looking to buy several.

  • Is the doll with the Afro and cat eye glasses for sale ad if so, please send me information so I can buy it.

    Thank you.


  • 1Where can the dolls be purchased I reside in New Jersey in Ocean County.

  • I would love, love, love to be able to purchase a couple of dolls for my daughter. I have always told people if they are going to buy her a doll make sure it is one of color. I want her to see and identify herself. She couldn’t do that with a Caucasian doll.

  • Please contact i showed th to 10 of my friends…and ALL of them are intrested in purching them the smallest order you will get from any of these ladies is 25 of each doll thats just from one ladies grand children and nieces friends the next ladt is wanting 30 of each. Waiting to here back…be blessed

  • I’m excited about the prospect of having getting one or more of these dolls. Yes, there are AA dolls out there but these are so authentic in their look. Each one, from what I see, has it’s own “look” that represents the variations in our looks. My daughter is too young to play respectively (19 months) with one right now, but I would save them for later and have to display right now.

  • I love love love those dolls I collect dolls and I would like to give them to my nieces for Christmas.????

  • Would love to have some of these as well. We cannot find any dolls like this in the stores unless its Disney related through Barbie. My daughter is a mixed child and needs some of these seriously. Would love to maybe have one specially made even for her. Where do I find out more info. Thank You and God Bless.

  • Please kick this into gear real quick, like now!! Don’t have the funds? Put it on Kickstarter!!! You will get more than you need. Come on now!! i would love to do it, but I have to stay in my lane for right now, but I can certainly support you. There is a father in Nigeria that had the same problem, but it will cost me an arm and a leg to have his shipped over here. Please get on this. My daughter has picked out names and everything for all the ones she wants (all of them LOL).

  • I love these dolls, I collect dolls, and I have been looking for black dolls, where can I get them?

  • I can recall in the 70’s when my parents (Santa) gave me a doll for Christmas. It was a doll that wasn’t attractive at all. Now, I have been collecting dolls for over 20 years and never have I see a beautiful collection as this. I want to commend the artist who have put their love, heart & soul into this project. Continue to do great work! I will be one of your customers, once I find your product in the stores. Thanks!!!

  • Please send me information on how to purchase some of these. They are absolutely beautiful.

  • Where can these be purchased. I just had a daughter and will definitely need a few of these for her

  • These dolls are simply beautiful, look at the emails!! you have your customer base already and no need to go to the big retail companies, please please do not go to them. For too long they have been making money from us and these dolls will definately make money, but let it go into yours and into the black businesses. I wish you tremendous blessings with your amazing venture.

  • These are exquisite! They surely are psychologically confidence building. You need investors? Count me as one. I would like one tiny suggestion though. Most of us black people are big boned like Queen Latifah. Can we just have one pleasantly plump doll as our heroine as well. Where can I purchase this for my grand children? I am so excited! Congratulations! It is time.

  • I’m not sure why these dolls are in the big box stores either. They are gorgeous. I’m looking to begin my next fair project & this would be on my list after I get done w/ my Diana R. fair project. The dolls look much more realistic than Mattel has ever made. If you can get it to retail & beat Bob M.’s prices I think it will be a big seller.

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